
After diving into the darkest comedy sequences with Barry with Emmy-winning editor Ali Greer, I took a stab (pun intended) at cutting the horror short, Intrusive. It’s a story about a young woman whose battle with a darkness invading her thoughts lands her in a police interrogation room. Going into it, I was excited to dig as much character development as I could out of the twelve pages and the actor’s performances. Set in one room with just two main characters, keeping the tension palpable was a great challenge. The actors gave me some great material to work with in their tone and body language. I also give a lot of credit to director Anisha Savan for recommending temp score that I was able to mine for the right notes to highlight certain emotional beats. The fun came in creating the horror moments that I’ll keep a surprise for when you get to see the film. I got a lot of practice sound designing for terrifying effect on Barry and it was fun to flex some of that creativity here.

I organized the original RED 8k footage using Redcine-X Pro and DaVinci Resolve, and cut in Avid Media Composer.

Follow Intrusive Film on Instagram for a few peeks at the film, and I’ll keep you posted for when you can see it too.